“Unjustly Shackled: A Dog Endures 10 Days of Chaining After Being Deemed ‘Untouchable'”

A few years back, there was a rumor spreading around that Duke had a contagious illness which made people wary of him. As a result, someone decided to chain him to a dilapidated trailer when he was just 10 months old.

The situation was bleak as Duke found himself completely alone for a period of ten agonizing days. He sought refuge under a dilapidated trailer situated near a village in Bulgaria while enduring an incredibly harsh quarantine.

There was a lady residing in the village who witnessed nothing but misery. She reached out to Rudozem Street Dog Rescue, which is a Bulgarian charity that assists distressed animals. Tony Rowles, one of the organization’s co-founders, came to the location and discovered a dog swarmed with flies and trapped in its own excrement. The animal was understandably afraid.


According to Rowles, Duke was extremely frightened and overwhelmed by the strong smell of ammonia, which made it impossible for him to move. However, he showed gratitude by kissing the first hand that reached out to him.

The group’s safe haven was already filled up to the brim. Consequently, Duke opted to reside at the Rowles family abode in the company of other felines and canines.

The dog’s charm was the only thing catching, as it turned out. However, he did have a strong fear of men for a few weeks. Despite being friendly towards his owner initially, his movements and behavior showed signs of fear and hesitation. According to Rowles, the dog formed a special bond with his wife Diane and displayed a great affection towards her.

There was also the issue of Duke’s feet that were bent and broken.

After a thorough examination, the veterinarian reached a troubling verdict: Duke’s injuries were not accidental. The discovery left Rowles in utter disbelief. The vet explained that the trauma to Duke’s feet was severe, with clear signs of broken bones and damaged ligaments. The poor dog’s feet were completely shattered and fragmented bones were floating around inside them.

Undoubtedly, Duke’s health had also suffered due to malnutrition. Besides, the weighty chain that held him captive previously had caused harm to his throat, leading to a severe cough. To aid Duke’s recovery, various surgical procedures were conducted along with the use of splints, and a proper diet was provided. Additionally, Duke was surrounded by caring individuals who offered support during his rehabilitation process.

Rowles shared that at some point, they considered putting the dog up for adoption. In the past eight years, their group has successfully placed over 1,000 dogs in homes across different countries such as the Netherlands, Germany, France, Belgium, and the United States.

Duke’s enchanting personality extended beyond the borders of his previous residence to England, where a compassionate woman named Diana Romaine made the decision to give him a new home. According to Rowles, Duke’s departure was an emotional one. On the other hand, Duke’s arrival in England was even more emotional as he had touched the hearts of many people along the way, despite being considered untouchable in the past.

With just a simple act of forming a human chain filled with compassion, Rudozem Street Dog Rescue was able to make a difference. If you want to show your support to their cause and help in saving more animals like Duke, you can contribute by making a donation through their website. You can also check out the video of Duke’s rescue below.

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