“Trail Encounter: Meet the Great Dane Companion and his Unexpected Hiking Grandma”

The great outdoors offer a variety of benefits that are difficult to find elsewhere. For instance, you can witness adorable wildlife up close, sip a steaming cup of cocoa while gazing at breathtaking views, and improve your overall health. Additionally, you might even make new friends along the way. Alyssa Berkovitz and her furry companion Kernel are enthusiastic hikers who enjoy exploring the forest for hours on end. They have formed a special bond with their hiking buddy Grandma Wanda, whom they met on a nature trail. Follow their thrilling adventures and be inspired to grab your hiking gear and hit the trails. In summary, hiking is an excellent activity that can introduce you to wonderful people and experiences amidst the natural wonders of the great outdoors.

Great Dane Meets Elderly Woman On A Hike, Decides She’s His Grandma Now

Alyssa used to spend most of her time sitting at a desk, which led to health problems. In order to improve her health and receive daily snuggles, she decided to get a dog. But Kernel was not just any dog, he was the dog she had always imagined having. Alyssa and Kernel bonded quickly and began exploring hiking trails together. However, when Kernel attended daycare, Alyssa realized that there was a need for a dog-walking program that provided physical and mental stimulation. In 2017, she founded Wagnificent Co., an off-leash dog-walking program that takes pups on hikes around the Boston area. While it was challenging at first to find dogs who could safely enjoy the outdoors, Alyssa persevered and has found the experience fulfilling.

Great Dane Meets Elderly Woman On A Hike, Decides She’s His Grandma Now

While taking a hike, Alyssa and her huge Great Dane, Kernel, came across a charming elderly couple who couldn’t help but express their fascination with the dog.

Great Dane Meets Elderly Woman On A Hike, Decides She’s His Grandma Now

Regrettably, Wanda found herself alone after her husband Cal passed away.

Great Dane Meets Elderly Woman On A Hike, Decides She’s His Grandma Now

As Wanda went on a search for Kernel, someone she particularly cared about, Alyssa saw an opportunity to invite her into their group.

Great Dane Meets Elderly Woman On A Hike, Decides She’s His Grandma Now

Kernel seems to be a valuable asset to Alyssa, and she probably compensates him well with treats and scratches for his contributions towards ensuring that all dogs are content. According to Alyssa, Kernel hardly ever misses a hike and acts like he’s going on his first hike every time, hyping up the other dogs. He is also very good at keeping the other dogs in line whenever they misbehave.
It is no surprise that such an exceptional dog caught the attention of others, including an elderly couple by the names of Cal and Wanda, who also enjoyed hiking in the same area. Alyssa narrated how she first saw them in the woods, walking together and smiling at her Great Dane. Kernel endeared himself to them with his affection, and Alyssa mentioned that he has a soft spot for old women. This is because all dogs know that grandmothers provide the best snuggles and often have unlimited treats to give.

Great Dane Meets Elderly Woman On A Hike, Decides She’s His Grandma Now

Kernel and Alyssa became great companions to Wanda, who goes by the nickname “Grandma” on social media, as she coped with the death of her spouse.

Great Dane Meets Elderly Woman On A Hike, Decides She’s His Grandma Now

Regrettably, Cal, Wanda’s husband, passed away shortly after he became friends with Kernel. Despite her sorrow, Wanda bravely went on hikes to reminisce about the beautiful walks she had taken with her beloved spouse, hoping to run into Kernel. To her great joy, she encountered the pack and informed them that she was searching for them.
“When we spotted the woman in the woods again, she stated, ‘Oh, I came out here to look for you!’ So I replied, ‘Okay, let’s exchange information,'” Alyssa, one of the pack members, believed that Wanda, who is now referred to as Grandma on their social media, was a missing member of the group.
Grandma now goes on hikes with the pack at least once a week and gives well-deserved pats to all the doggies in daycare, but Kernel remains her favorite. Who can blame her? Look at his cute face!

Great Dane Meets Elderly Woman On A Hike, Decides She’s His Grandma Now

Grandma loves joining the weekly hikes arranged by Alyssa’s dog-walking business. She always makes sure to shower love and affection on all the dogs in the group, but Kernel holds a special place in her heart.

Great Dane Meets Elderly Woman On A Hike, Decides She’s His Grandma Now

Accompanying Alyssa and her loyal companion, Kernel, on hikes has been a source of comfort for Grandma during difficult times. Losing a loved one can be very isolating, especially in old age. Grieving individuals often question the purpose of life without their loved ones. However, if there is an afterlife, departed spirits would want their family members to experience the beauty of life instead of missing out on it. Some commenters believe that Cal arranged for Wanda to meet Alyssa and Kernel before he passed away so that she could have company on her hikes and adventures. If angels truly exist, then they must look like Kernel, the Great Dane.
Grandma is grateful to have a 100-pound friend who is always there to provide her with extra love when she needs it most. Unfortunately, not everyone has the privilege of receiving Kernie cuddles. If you know someone who is grieving, there are ways to offer your support. Be a good listener and allow them to share their memories or pain. Simply being present for them and holding their hand while saying “I’m here for you” can be a great source of comfort. Dogs are incredible creatures that have the ability to help humans during tough times, one wag of their tail at a time.

Great Dane Meets Elderly Woman On A Hike, Decides She’s His Grandma Now

When life seems bleak, take solace in the fact that dogs exist in this world. These furry creatures are faithful companions who will go to great lengths to please their loved ones and bring joy to our lives. Even when they misbehave, their adorable puppy eyes make it hard to stay angry at them.
The story of Kernel and his doting grandma is a heartwarming tale that inspires pet owners to explore their surroundings with their furry friends. Who knows, perhaps your dog will find a kindred spirit like Grandma too?
If your pooch enjoys the great outdoors, it’s time to embark on an adventure and create memories that will last a lifetime. The bond between Kernel and his new grandma touched the hearts of many readers.

Great Dane Meets Elderly Woman On A Hike, Decides She’s His Grandma Now

Great Dane Meets Elderly Woman On A Hike, Decides She’s His Grandma Now

Great Dane Meets Elderly Woman On A Hike, Decides She’s His Grandma Now

Great Dane Meets Elderly Woman On A Hike, Decides She’s His Grandma Now

Great Dane Meets Elderly Woman On A Hike, Decides She’s His Grandma Now

Great Dane Meets Elderly Woman On A Hike, Decides She’s His Grandma Now

Great Dane Meets Elderly Woman On A Hike, Decides She’s His Grandma Now

Great Dane Meets Elderly Woman On A Hike, Decides She’s His Grandma Now

Great Dane Meets Elderly Woman On A Hike, Decides She’s His Grandma Now

Great Dane Meets Elderly Woman On A Hike, Decides She’s His Grandma Now

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