“The Heartbreaking Tale of a Tick-Infested Stray Puppy Unable to Stand”

In Donna, Texas, even the most unflappable rescuers were taken aback on a recent Tuesday when they received a severely tick-ridden dog at their shelter. This poor puppy had been surviving on the streets and neglected to the point where she was barely hanging on to life. Fortunately, she stumbled into a stranger’s yard, who promptly contacted Dallas Dog – Rescue. Rehab. Reform for help! Covered from head to toe in bloodsucking ticks, the dog was almost unrecognizable. They were so numerous that her ears, breast, back, and paws were all affected.

Due to severe anemia, she was barely able to stand up. However, her luck turned around when she was brought to the hospital and received vital medical attention along with a blood transfusion. Dallas DogRRR-Rescue.Rehab.Reform, based in Allen, Texas, shared the news on their Facebook page, highlighting how this lovely stray approached a random person’s property to ask for help.

“Looks like luck is on her side today!” exclaimed the rescuer as they took Amora, the dog, to the veterinarian partner of their rescue group. Despite being in critical condition, the team will work hard to stabilize her health before flying her to Dallas. It’s still uncertain whether she’ll make a full recovery. Viewer discretion is advised as the following video contains graphic content that may not be suitable for all viewers.

Exciting news came the following morning as a source confirmed that “Mi Amor” had made it through the night and was now being taken care of by hospital staff. The ticks were also removed on the same day, and a CBC was scheduled to determine if more transfusions were needed. If necessary, they would transfer her to another facility for continued care. After a few days, Amora was ready for foster care and was adopted by a volunteer from Dallas Dog – Rescue.Rehab. According to her foster mother, Amora was initially scared of everything and wouldn’t come out of the car. However, after bringing her home, she slowly started to adjust to her new surroundings and even made some furry friends along the way.

As I sat on the ground, I comforted her while she quivered and growled at the unfamiliar beings. Eventually, she warmed up to them and even started mimicking their actions an hour later. My female German Shepherd, Ava, quickly became her closest friend and taught her how to relieve herself outside, resulting in zero indoor accidents. Despite still being fearful, she now scurries to a bathroom mat or dog bed in the designated room, but has started trusting more and can navigate the house alone. Our current focus is on familiarizing her with car rides, harnesses, being lifted, and bath time. Having another dog or her human around bolsters her confidence, and she craves companionship constantly.

After staying with her foster mother for a year, Amora finally found her permanent residence. She has a good bond with her brother and even accompanies her father to work every day!

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