The Feline Who Bid Farewell to the Streets: Embracing the Indoor Life

Cat Who Was Last One to Leave Neighborhood Streets, Decides He'll Give Indoor Life a Try

After spending several years roaming the streets, a feline who was the final resident to vacate the neighborhood has finally made the decision to test out indoor living.

fluffy sweet cat

In Montreal, there was a black and white feline with luscious long fur, who roamed the streets as a stray. He soon found himself in the company of other community cats who relied on a kind neighbor for their daily sustenance. Unfortunately, as more and more strays joined the group, animal rescuers had to intervene. They launched a mission to provide spaying and neutering services to the cats and find them foster homes. After many successful rescues, only one remained – a disheveled tom covered in dirt and matted fur.

stray fluffy cat

As per the statement of Celine from ChatonsOrphelins Montreal, he resided in the same locality for a minimum of two winters and survived the harsh climatic conditions. As reported by the neighbor, he would visit their home often for food and waited by the door in the mornings. However, after the previous winter, his fur became disheveled, and his overall health seemed to deteriorate.

street cat fluffy stray

Despite numerous attempts using humane traps, the cat proved to be too clever and became the last remaining stray in the neighborhood. Eventually, after succumbing to hunger, he walked into a baited trap conveniently placed in front of a neighbor’s house. This finally led to the cat being taken off the streets and receiving the necessary medical care.

street cat safe

Arthus, the feline who had spent many years living in the great outdoors, was rather cautious around people. His fur was tangled and had an unpleasant odor, making him unapproachable. Following a visit to the veterinarian, he underwent treatment for various health problems. The vet also removed the thick mat of fur that had been weighing him down. With all the entanglements gone, Arthus began to feel more comfortable and started to show signs of improvement.

street cat shaven

Beneath the tangled fur, Arthus was quite thin. His body bore scars and injuries from his time spent living on the streets. However, with much-needed care and attention, he was able to recover and heal. Arthus was provided with a peaceful sanctuary where he could unwind and destress. Over time, he grew more comfortable in the presence of his caregivers, gradually building up his trust in them. Despite his initial fear, Arthus had a tender expression that revealed his gentle nature.

stray cat trust

The carer’s gentle touch made Arthus’ eyes light up as he stood up and craved for more. Feeling safe and secure, Arthus became more affectionate and sought more attention and snuggles. He even became more curious, exploring his new surroundings and coming out of his shell for cuddles. Arthus has also become quite the lap cat, purring and rubbing his face on his foster mom with contentment.

sweet foster cat fluffy

Following a couple of weeks of being in his foster home, there’s been a noticeable improvement in his health and happiness, with his fur growing back in. This charming little fellow is very loving and friendly. Arthus enjoys getting close to his human by pressing his face against theirs for some personal attention.

sweet cat home arthus

He is a sociable feline who prefers to stay close to humans and dislikes enclosed spaces within the vicinity. According to his owner, he is thoroughly relishing his fresh start and is gradually rediscovering the joys of playing like a young kitten. It’s heartwarming to witness such transformation.

sweet cat arthus

Arthus loves to play and shows it by rolling on his back. His charming personality makes everyone smile whenever he greets them.

cat fluffy paw

Arthus is in search of a compassionate household that has a peaceful atmosphere. Given the struggles he has faced, he certainly deserves to have the finest existence possible.

sweet fluffy cat arthus

Don’t forget to spread the word about this story to your buddies! For more updates on Arthus in Montreal, be sure to check out their Instagram account @comrescuemontreal and Facebook page.

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